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Generative AI and its future

Artificial Intelligence is coming here!

AI or Artificial Intelligence has been in the news in last few months especially in context of chatGPT and Generative AI in general. Being an AI enthusiast, I am amazed to see the pace of progress in the field of AI in last couple of years and at the same time keen to understand the application/impact it may have on the future of specific industries. I recently did a bit of research into a list of AI tools facilitating content generation and now I more strongly believe that AI is here (Believe me!). We will soon start embracing AI to assist us in day-to-day tasks.

Generative AI: Introduction and where does it fit in the field of AI?

The goal of AI is to create systems that can perform tasks that would typically require human intelligence. Depending on the human capability we are attempting to match through AI systems, there are several different sub-fields of AI each with its own set of characteristics and applications.

Generative AI as a type of artificial intelligence can generate new and original content, such as images, text, and audio. The main goal of generative AI is to mimic the creativity and imagination of humans.

Generative AI’s potential to improve productivity in our everyday life

Generative AI has a wide range of applications in various industries. Some of the main areas where it is used include:

Image and video synthesis: Generative AI can be used to create realistic images and videos of things that do not exist in the real world, such as virtual landscapes, objects, and characters. This can be used in industries like gaming, animation, and film production.

Text generation: Generative AI can be used to generate written content, such as articles, stories, and poetry. This can be used in industries like content creation, news generation, and creative writing.

Audio synthesis: Generative AI can be used to generate new sounds and music, such as speech synthesis and music composition. This can be used in industries like music production, podcasting, and speech recognition.

Data generation: Generative AI can be used to generate new data for training other AI models. This can be used in industries like computer vision and natural language processing, where large amounts of labelled data are required to train models.

Art and design: Generative AI can be used to create new forms of art, such as digital paintings, sculptures, and animations. This can be used in industries like graphic design, visual arts, and architecture.

Business, finance, and healthcare: Generative AI can be used to generate new financial models, predictions in any industry. Generative AI can be used to generate new drugs, proteins, and other molecules. This can be used in industries like drug development and biotechnology.

Software and Robotics: Generative AI can be used to design new robots, control systems, and algorithms. This can be used in industries like manufacturing and logistics.

Hold on! Ethics is still a concern with Generative AI

Generative AI has the potential to create new and exciting possibilities in art, media, and Entertainment, but as with other AI applications, we also need to consider the ethical and societal issues that may arise from using Generative AI.

Bias: Generative AI models can perpetuate and amplify existing biases in the data they are trained on, leading to unfair or discriminatory outcomes.

Misinformation: Generative AI models can be used to create fake or misleading content, such as deep fake videos or AI-generated text.

Privacy: Generative AI models can be used to generate sensitive or personal information, such as images or speech samples, without the consent of the individuals involved.

Job displacement: Generative AI models can be used to automate tasks that were previously done by humans, leading to job displacement.

To mitigate these ethical issues, it is important to use diverse and representative data sets when training generative AI models, and to be transparent about the limitations and potential biases of the models. Additionally, there is a need to develop robust detection systems for fake or misleading generated content. Furthermore, it is important to have regulations in place that protect personal data and limit the use of generated content for malicious purposes.

Decade forward for Generative AI

The future of Generative AI is expected to bring even more advancements and integration into various aspects of daily life. It will continue to expand, leading to the creation of new industries and job opportunities. In the next decade, we can expect Generative AI to be used more in the field of natural language processing (NLP), where it will be extensively used to generate more human-like text, speech and even video. These technologies will be used to improve chatbots, virtual assistants, and language translation. Generative AI will also be used to generate more realistic images and videos and will be used to improve the quality of augmented and virtual reality applications.

Please note that we have intentionally used OpenAI ChatGPT to assist us in this research. The image used in this article is also generated using OpenAI Dall-E.

Remember, AI is here!