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ChatGPT: Operational Guidelines for business user

Navigating the potential of ChatGPT, an advanced AI language model, requires a thoughtful approach to ensure effective and beneficial interactions. By adhering to a few key guidelines, you can harness the power of this tool while fostering a positive and informed experience. Whether you’re seeking information, creative inspiration, or assistance with tasks, understanding how to engage with ChatGPT will enable you to make the most of its capabilities while ensuring responsible and valuable outcomes. Here are some of the operational guidlines:

Define clear objective:

Depending on the outcome you’re trying to achieve, below are some examples of the capabilities ChatGPT offers:

a. Summarization: ChatGPT can be used for a large amount of information available in articles, contracts (sanitised to remove commercially sensitive data), and research papers to provide us with a summary of key points

b. Descriptive Text Generation: chatGPT can help us to write descriptive text places, events, person and objects. For example, we can use chatGPT to write hotel/room description, contents for blogs by providing some key inputs

c. Recommendations chatGPT can help in providing recommendations about places, events of interests based on the preferences provided in prompt

d. Meeting/call, video summary: Using specific plug-in ChatGPT can be used to summaries the content of video/transcript by providing the URL of the video.

e. Generating email responses: ChatGPT can be used to frame response to common type of emails.

Prompt/Instructions to chatGPT:

  1. The response is as good as prompt to ChatGPT

  2. Improve the prompt through an iterative process – The first response is likely not the best one.

  3. Tailor the response by including below key elements in the prompt:

    1. Role Playing: Example Prompt – “Act as a travel agent responding to customer query/complaint <<Further Prompt>>”

    2. Writing Style: Example prompt – “Write a formal (or informal) response to email below: <<Further prompt>>”

    3. Separation of instruction with text: Ensure to separate instructions from additional text provided as reference for chatGPT to not confuse text with instruction.

Example prompt: “I have received this email provided in triple curly brackets from a company trying to generate sales lead. Can you please write a professional response stating we do not require service at this point in time.

{{{<<Email text here>>}}}

Review the output before sharing further

ChatGPT is an AI model and may produce errors, inaccuracies, or biased content. It is essential to review and monitor the output before sharing it further to ensure its quality and appropriateness.

  1. Read and review the generated output: Carefully read through the ChatGPT’s response to ensure it aligns with your intentions and expectations.

  2. Verify that the information provided by ChatGPT is accurate, relevant, and suitable for sharing.

  3. Pay close attention to any sensitive or personal information that may have been generated

  4. Watch out for any potential biases, controversial statements, or inappropriate language

  5. Think about the context in which you plan to share the output and ensure it is appropriate and suitable for the intended audience.

Data protection

  1. Understand privacy policy and guidelines before using ChatGPT

  2. Avoid/limit sharing personal and confidential information in the prompts.

  3. Ensure to access ChatGPT office network (as much as possible) or through secure and encrypted connections (HTTPS) .

Limitations of ChatGPT

It’s important to understand below limitations of ChatGPT to leverage the full potential of chatGPT.

  1. Responses are based on information/knowledge collected till Sep’2021 and do not have access to real-time information.

  2. Responses may not always be accurate or factually correct

  3. Responses can be influenced by the specific phrasing or wording of the input, potentially leading to different answers or interpretations.

  4. ChatGPT learns from the data it is trained on, which may contain biases, resulting in biased or subjective responses.

  5. ChatGPT is a general-purpose language model and should not be relied upon for professional, medical, legal, or specialized advice.


Incorporating these guidelines while using ChatGPT will empower you to engage confidently, harnessing its insights and creative capabilities while upholding a safe and constructive online interaction.

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