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AI tool evolution journey: A comprehensive framework

In last few years, AI have evolved rapidly to foster new possibilities and improved applications in various industries. A very recent example is chatGPT (a language model developed by OpenAI), which in a very short time has evolved from a research concept to a full blown consumer technology, making it one of the most advanced and widely adopted language models in the market today. Through this article, #DecadeForwardAI aims to provide a comprehensive framework for understanding the journey of any AI tool evolution. The following is a brief overview of the key stages in the evolution of an AI concept:

Research Paper

The first stage involves the development of theoretical foundations and is characterized by extensive research by statisticians, mathematicians, and AI Scientists either for academic excellence or as part of corporate funded research studies. At this stage, the future commercial benefits from the concepts are either not proven or have not been emphasized to avoid influencing the research outcome.

Obscure Algorithm

Some of the research stage AI concepts, although gets converted to a usable algorithm, but remains obscure for a period of time. Only a limited set of scientists and technologists use these as part of further research and development. This can be due to a lack of research funding or simply because the technology is not yet mature enough for practical use.

Prototype/Open Source Algorithm

At this stage, some of those lesser known algorithms becomes candidates for prototype tool development and/or forms part of open source libraries to be used by wider audience. The goal is to validate the efficacy and feasibility of the AI tool in performing the intended task.

General Public Availability

At this stage, the algorithms/prototypes are released in form of a usable tool (or in form of functional APIs) to the general public with intent to gather feedback, assess user engagement, and gauge the level of demand. This information can be used to assist further development, refine the tool, and improve its marketability.

Commercial Platform

This stage involves the distribution and implementation of the AI tool in real-world settings with the intention of making commercial benefits. The commercial benefits arises through many different models including subscription payments, advertising on the platform, public or private investment. This stage leads to development of user-friendly interfaces, integration with existing systems, and implementation of security and privacy measures.

Consumer Technology

In this stage, AI tool is accessible and user-friendly for everyday use, adopted and integrated into various industries and organizations. This leads to the creation of new business models and the transformation of existing processes. AI tools becomes an integral part of many people’s lives to an extent that the consumer do not even realize that they are using artificial intelligence.

It is important to note that not all AI tools will go through all of these stages, and some may evolve differently depending on the specific application and industry. Nevertheless, this framework provides a general roadmap for understanding the evolution of AI tools.

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